Europa! What do you think they'll find?


So I was watching another video on YT. This time it was Kendall Rae's husband, Joshledore if you wanna check him out. He was doing a video on NASA's discovery of a liquid ocean on one of Jupiter's moon, Europa. Europa's surface is completely covered by ice. Underneath is liquid because of the warmth generated by the gravity of Jupiter (I don't really get that, but whatevs). So this ocean is exactly like ours, except its 10x deeper. They think there could be life underneath, somewhere in the ocean, whether its as small as bacteria to an actual animal. NASA is planning on sending a piece of technology to Europa in the 2020s to drill into the icy surface down to the ocean and explore.

Poll question: What do you think they'll find in Europa's ocean?

Bonus: Do you agree with the exploration of Europa as well as other moons and planets? Or do you think we should leave well enough alone?

Bonus bonus: If they found life more than bacteria, do you think the government would tell us?

Vote below to see results!