Just feeling weird.

This is our first official month ttc since the mmc. I feel weird and conflicted. I ovulated WAY later than normal so it seems like my cycles are changing to be around 34 days instead of the normal 28 which makes me nervous. My period was always perfectly regular before getting pregnant and I hope it doesn't get too messed up. I'm also feeling hopeful for this cycle but desperately trying not to get my hopes up. I've heard of so many people who have had a mc and then have one period and then get pregnant right away. I don't know that I believe the whe "you're more fertile after a mc" thing. I'm hopeful but I don't think that would be our luck. I guess I am thankful that I know we can get pregnant though and that helps me relax a little. I know it will happen when it happens. But it's hard to not want it right away after a loss like that. Not a day goes by I don't think about it or morn a little. Especially seeing all the pregnant people around me... Sorry for rambling.