I would like y'all to meet Miss Sunny❤️☀️


I started cervidil Monday night, by Tuesday morning my contractions were so close together they started me on pitocin by 5 they came in and did a membrane sweep and the contractions picked up a lot I used the laughing gas for a while and by 11 my water broke. The Anesthesiologist came in to give me my epidural and long story short didnt do it right and only a patch of my leg was numbed! So I ended up going natural the rest of the way. I pushed for 3 long hours and me an her both went into stress but I pushed through one last time without a contraction and she finally came.

It's safe to say my first labor was horrible and I'm thankful my sweet girls here.

Yesterday we were moved to the pediatric floor because she has bad jaundice and hopefully she will be coming home Monday.

Sunny Lee

Due 7/16/17

Arrived 7/26/17


8 pounds 12 ounces

22inches long