25 weeks tomorrow !


So tomorrow I'll be 25 weeks and I have to say out of my whole entire pregnancy I have never felt more sore and in pain than I am right now . I am high risk because of my blood pressure and have been patiently waiting to see my doctor on Wednesday but I'm not sure what's considered " normal" at this point while being high risk .

My feet and hands are swollen and my face looks to be swelling as well . I know swelling is normal in pregnancy but at what point is it to be considered dangerous ? My feet almost look bruised and swollen my hands are super puffy and one side of my face is puffy too . I have also been getting a lot of very painful Charlie horses during the night. My calf muscle still has a knot in it from the last one . I have also been having some sharp pains in my lower back and lower abdomen that were accompanied by watery discharge . It will happen for a few days and then it will be gone .... are these things normal at this point in pregnancy or should I be concerned ? I have tried to look these things up on google but you know how google is it always has some article about how based on my search I'm dying ... so I was just looking for anyone else who is at this point in pregnancy and could be experiencing the same things ! THANKS