goodness ....


where to begin.... My fiance and I well mostly me.. Lol because we all know the bride handles 98% of the planning of the wedding. We just got notification last night that the amount we offered for a house was accepted, I'm taking 5 online classes plus an internship starting in August and I applied to a job to work 20 hours a week which is very important now that we are buying a house. currently I'm working full time and am about to go nuts bc one girl seems I have to basically babysit bc she seems confused all the time but says she's been a CNA for 4 years. today was the one year anniversary of my pepaws passing. I got the notification in my Facebook news feed. I broke down idk if it's everything or just the anniversary of his passing . My fiance and I do not have any living grandparents left. I was very close to my grandparents and with all the good things going on ive wanted to call especially my mamaw but there's no number to heaven. I guess I'm feeling overwhelmed and I feel like I've run out of people to talk to for support.