Ovulation: let's clear up some misconceptions


1. ovulation does not necessarily occur on the same day of your cycle each month

2. you do not necessarily ovulate every month.

3. having a period does not confirm ovulation

4. NOT having a period does not mean you did not ovulate (pay attention postpartum mommies)

5. a positive opk or BBT does not confirm ovulation. it only means your body is likely to ovulate with in a window of about 36 hours. you can actually receive more than one positive reading during a cycle because your body can prep, not actually ovulate, wine down, and then

up again.

6. besides a pregnancy, the only way to know if you have actually ovulated is to confirm with an ultrasound in a doctor's office.

I hope this helps someone have some more clarity on why it can take awhile to conceive or why tracking your ovulation is not a secure form of birth control. and to the postpartum mom's, even if you haven't had your first period, you can still get pregnant

love to you all!