🤞🏻fingers crossed🤞🏻


I'm currently 37w6d, i have my induction scheduled for 38w1d (due to medical reasons, that's why so early) when i got checked monday, i was 1cm, so i walked tuesday and wednesday, and by thursday morning at the doctors i was up to 2cm. the doctors want to use a foley bulb to induce me. i was induced this way with my previous pregnancy, but it was more of an emergency induction and not scheduled ahead of time, so i didn't have much time to think about it.

i've walked 4 miles today trying to get myself to dilate a little more to try to avoid the bulb again! don't get me wrong, my last induction was great, everything went smoothly, but it'd still be nice to progress enough to not need it again!

so fingers crossed that between the walking ive been doing and bouncing on my ball, i'll make a little more progress before monday afternoon!
