Jealous Mothers


Has anyone else dealt with a jealous mother? Recently my husband & I went to a EDM festival & it was our first one. Rarely do I show lots of cleavage but with this outfit my boobs looked pretty damn good & I was feeling very confident in it! Recently I have lost some weight & my skin has never been this radiant from working out & eliminating dairy & meat. My step mom who is like a mom to me commented on a pic saying "put those things away! Lol!" And my mom didn't even like any of my pictures while I got lots of compliments on the pics & at the festival. I think it has to do with they 1: don't like seeing me grow into a woman & 2: they are a bit envious. They always post pics in very feminine outfits or showing cleavage every once in awhile... while my mom just posted a pic in a bikini & my step mom always posts sexual pics with her friends goofing off.. it annoys me very much the way they have been treating me since I've lost weight & since I have my own life now & don't just mope around like I used to. I hate this feeling like they are secretly envious.. while my other friends & family even my MIL says I look gorgeous. And my cousin has been giving me backhanded compliments as well. I wish women could just be happy for other women.