Controlling or what??


So I have a friend whose partner made her promise a while back not to cut her hair any shorter than her shoulders, no particular reason as to why he just straight up said no. Yesterday she decided she wanted to go against this because she's wanted to do this for a long time and she cut her hair into a concave bob and it looks freaking adorable but she didn't tell him she was going to do it because she didn't want him to try and talk her out of it. She sent the pictures of it to our group chat and he refused to respond about whether he liked it or not, it took him a good 6 hours to actually talk to her again and told her he "hates it and it looks terrible", "can't trust you after breaking so many promises" (things like giving him a blow job because she really wasn't into having sex at all at the time) and "I'm going to tease you about it".

Is this considered controlling, abusive or something else because I am really concerned?