Insecurity,Jealousy or is it just being Disrespectful

So I am so in love with my man! We have been together for 3 years. We have a great relationship. The only thing I hate about our relationship is that I see him constantly looking at other girls! It pisses me off so fricking bad. I have called him out on it. I have talked to him about it and told him how much I hate it and how it makes me feel. He says that he can look at a woman without lusting over a woman and I get that but it gets fricking old seeing him do it.

I have talked to my mom and my pastor for guidance but my mom says pray about it and my pastor not or less just says that guys are "wired"

Differently than women. I find that to be a crock of horse shit. It sounds more like an excuse to me. I mean if a guy walks but with tattoos and he's kinda built my boyfriend will look at me to see if I'm looking because he knows that I'm attracted to that type but outta respect for him I will totally look the other way. Do you ladies have any advice? Does this happen to any of you and if so how do you cope/deal with it? Many thanks....