Intense Pregnancy


This is my 4th pregnancy, 2 miscarriages and one healthy, beautiful 14 month old, and in NOT ONE of my other pregnancies were my symptoms so many and so freaking INTENSE! I'm 7w4d. I rather can't finish a meal or can't start one, every meal. The boobs, well let's just say whenever I stand up from laying down they feel like they are being ripped off. My daughter accidentally grabbed a handful while trying to climb on me and brought me to tears. Napping every day, pants snug snug and uncomfortable. Constipation, never an issue till now, migraines nothing fixes, the list goes on and on. I was watching a tv show I've seen a million times and just started bawling. This being our rainbow baby I am more than happy to have every pregnancy symptom in the book, just a little less intense.