How Did You Know You Were Pregnant?

Sara 💜👼💜

Hi ladies!

I know that seems like a dumb question but I want to know how/if you ladies knew you were pregnant BEFORE you missed a period or took a pregnancy test.

I am thinking that I might be pregnant and it is too soon to take a test. The potential conception took place 3 weeks ago. I am currently on birth control where I only get my period every 3 months. My period is not due until September. The possible conception occurred while I was on the first week of a new pill pack after my period, which is when they recommend using a condom for extra protection. My husband did finish inside.

Since then, something has just felt off. Threat whole week after, I just felt weird. It is hard to explain. My sleeping pattern was off and I started feeling sick to my stomach. The next week, I started getting over emotional. That has been pretty continuous. My stomach feels weird a lot. I have also been tired a lot.

And just today, the sides of my boobs started hurting. My lower back has been hurting too but I do have chronic issues with that.

Some days I feel like, "I am totally pregnant!" And other days, I think, "No, I am not pregnant."

I am hoping you ladies can share with me how you knew you were pregnant before the "official" results were in.

I am definitely hoping to be. :) It would be unplanned but not unwanted.