Do i need to go to the hospital?

I went to the hospital 2 days ago because the baby wasent moving and i was having tummy cramps. they told me i was having contractions every 2 min and if they didn't slow down i would need emergency c section. after a couple hours i was only 1 cm and they eased off so i went home. since then tho my stomach has been hurting ever since. sometimes or gets so bad i can't sit still and sometimes it's barley there but still there. i feel like it might be waste to go in today but at the same time my baby has gastroschisis and i just want to always make sure he's ok. when my stomach is rock hard(which is pretty much all the time) i don't feel him move and that kinda scares me. what should i do? Should i just wait until the pain gets too unbearable?

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