Nipple shield troubles?


So my sweet boy arrived via scheduled induction on Wednesday! For a first time mom I had a very "fast and furious" labor and he arrived less than 4 hours after my doctor broke my water. We were only going to stay one night in the hospital but we had some trouble getting a good latch and nursing (baby also had trouble spitting up amniotic fluid because my labor was so short.) the second day in the hospital a nurse had me try a nipple shield to see if we would have more luck! Also my nipples were SO sore. Any one else think breast feeding feels like someone running razor blades over your nipples??? At any rate the shield helped SO MUCH. He latched perfectly and it has helped so much with the pain and we have had smooth sailing! Unfortunately now though I am supposed to be transitioning to no nipple shield (per my doctors request) and it is impossible! He hates my boobs 😂 anyone have/know any tricks to wean a baby from using a nipple shield? He is 4 1/2 days old. I will be going back to a lactation consultant but wanted to see if any of you gals had words of wisdom...