Waking up screaming


My LO is almost 8 months. She has always been a fantastic sleeper, sleeping 11+ hours overnight since about 2 months. At 3 months she was diagnosed with GERD, which has been controlled very well with medication. The last four nights, she has woken up 2-4 times screaming. She rolls all around, rocks on her hands and knees, and just screams and cries. The first night it happened, I discovered that going in there to comfort her just makes it worse and if I just let her work it out for herself, she falls back asleep within 5 minutes. But I am not understanding what the issue is and it rips my heart out to hear and see her crying. It doesn't seem to be linked with any specific foods she eats or how well she naps during the day. And it's definitely not out of hunger or due to a dirty diaper. Its almost as if she is doing it in her sleep. She doesnt really wake all the way up. Which is why going in there makes it worse, because then she wakes up and wont go back to sleep. What do you guys think the issue could be? Maybe she needs a dose increase on her reflux meds (it's been the same dose since 3 months, Dr has not been increasing with weight gain in hopes to wean her off)? Is it just growing pains? Someone recently suggested that she is just developing new emotions and is having a hard time dealing? She is the same happy baby during the day, but something has to be wrong at night. Thanks in advance for your respectful
