We made it 35wks!

Lena • Mom of a handsome BOY
I've been at the hospital since Sunday with contractions every 7-10min, they are still mild . Got checked for dilation and I'm 2cm dilated and cervix is 2.5cm, it's getting thinner. 
As of yesterday contractions started to get 20min apart with same intensity and then came back to be 10min apart. Still mild, so dr thinks if I'm still 2cm dilated today I could go home and wait for contractions to be every 5 min and stronger so they can consider it to be active labour. I've been praying and talking to my baby boy to stay there for at least one more week so he wouldn't need to go to NICU 🙏 
I got very stressed out when I arrived to the hospital and the dr said I was dilated already, but I'm now more calm and just waiting to see what my baby's plans are. 
Your prayers would be appreciated as well as any positive experience someone has.