Anyone else have a retroverted uterus and measured small?

Kristy • Three angel babies😭👼🏼 At least I have my dog 🐶

I had my u/s on Friday and they couldn't get a clear picture so they did a t/v . She said it was still very hard to get a clear picture but baby looked to be 7 weeks instead of 9. I've read stories of women measuring behind with a retroverted uterus. ( she was very frustrated with it ) They asked me if my dates could be wrong. It's absolutely impossible as i would only be 3 weeks when I got my BFP. I'm assuming the worst ( MMC) I find out more details tomorrow ( if there was a HB or not etc) I've cried so much I can't shed another tear. I'm just completely numb. I'm 95% sure I'm going to miscarry but I have yet to bleed and cramp. I still feel pregnant 😞