So annoyed and angry

I read a very disturbing article in the irish hearld today. It was in relation to a child, who was found in a car with both his parents and another man. The child was 6/7yrs old, dirty and hungry. He had a shallow cut on across his little neck. Apparently the family was living in the car. There was a bag of needles, used tin foil and bags of herion found in the car. The father has been incarcerated but the mother has not. She has been signed into a treatment facility. Under futher investigation the Gardà were informed that the cut on the child's neck was inflicted by the father. Who was abusive towards both the child and mother. The child, informed his foster parents that his father would punch him in the face and head repeatedly. A knife was found in the car with the child's DNA on it. It is so disturbing to think there are poor innocent children out there in the world been abused and mistreated. To think of all the people out there desperate to have a child of their own, but yet these monsters seem to have no fertility problems at all. I'm so angers that nobody reported this family. Nobody stood up for this poor child. And even more angry that the so called "mother" will get the poor child back when she completes her "rehabilitation". Ehhh I'm in a terribleness mood now!!