Update to my previous post: might miscarry


I started bleeding this morning. Light but red. I had already been told my pregnancy is most likely no longer viable. But since no one sounded sure enough to convince me I opted not to do the D&C; they had been suggesting the past two weeks. So I go into the hospital today for light bleeding: they said by date I should be 11w5d(there is still some debate there but this is going by my last period) At this stage to still see no heart activity is VERY discouraging. It's possible it isn't developing properly for unknown reasons (chromosomes or imbalanced hormones etc) but he said to keep my appointment next week and see how it looks. Today was not a miscarriage. Said my hormone levels were 2100 Monday and today 2300. Should have doubled. But since it's not a drop then I'm not miscarrying yet. They did ultrasounds too and said I'm not miscarrying. Sometimes women bleed during pregnancy for a number of reasons and it means nothing. He said while miscarriage is likely( at least 50% likely) it's not a definite at this point so to just keep my next week appointment. Come back if bleeding worsens or cramping starts. So far no cramps and blood isn't heavy. Physically I feel fine. Mentally not so much. Yeah that's better but it is still a struggle. It's hard to tell yourself to stay positive when the possible outcome is so bad.