flat head...

Aly • 💞 mama bear to 💜Olivia 1/23/17 and 💙 Charlie 8/21/18

So, I thought I had made peace wth my 6 month old daughter's flat spot. I even commented on another topic recently about it.. but of course that kind of brought up all my old feelings and concerns. her pediatrician wasn't worried and even told us we could stop doing biweekly omt (osteo-something manipulation therapy) around 3 or 4 months bc she hated it so much.. and some of the doctors who treated her said they didn't see any improvement.. but her pediatrician is also still training and we have her superior check off on every tiny thing. So I'm starting to doubt them a little and thinking I might want a second opinion. who do I make an appt with for that and what would the visit entail? how do they determine what is mild, moderate, or severe? does anyone know if that would be covered by medicare (or whatever the heck state provided insurance is called)


about 2.5 months. She had pretty bad torticollis which went unnoticed for a couple of weeks bc we were so focused on her bilirubin levels and her weight. my chiropractor really helped with that and she actually started sleeping on her right side around 3 months. she's also now sitting up on her own.. and yet I see little to no improvement 😔 I guess when they told me we could stop the omt I figured it would get better as she spent less time laying around but it really hasn't. my period also just started today so I'm feeling a little extra sensitive about it. I just don't want to regret not getting a second opinion if it could effect her in the future. any advice or encouragement would be appreciated. also, if your LO wore a helmet, how did their head shape compare to my daughter's?