Vomiting 1st day of period..

I'm 22 years old. My first period came when I was 12.

I have always had extremely painful periods accompanied by rage. I dont have mood swings I just get very very very angry.

Anyway, I've always been underweight as well, I never had a strong appetite. I also suffer from ptsd, I have nightmares almost every night, and occasionally panic attacks. I would love to eat more, I found something that increased my appetite, stopped my nightmares, and generally made me calmer. But I do not have access to that any longer.

In 2012 I started having fainting episodes. It happened roughly 15 times that year. It would come out of no where. My heart would start pounding, I'd get really hot and become drenched in sweat, id get dizzy, then fall to the ground a vomit up everything in my stomach, faint, then I'd be fine.

Some times it would happen on the 1st day of my period but mostly it was just random.

In 2014 it only happened on the 1st day of my period but I didn't faint every time, I happened at least 5 times.

I thought it had to do with my diet, my whole life I'd been only eating junk like white pasta, white bread, ice cream, fries, chicken fingers, Doritos, fast food. Everything processed.

So the past 6 months I cut all that crap out and began eating cleaner food, I was basically vegetarian. Then 2 months ago I decided I wanted to be vegan. Everything was fine, I wasn't puking, I felt a lot happier than I was before.

But then last night.. I got my period. The pain was excruciating and I was furious. At around 230am I felt very dizzy, even with my eyes closed, then the nausea began. I tried to lean over the bed but I was too slow, I puked on the blankets and proceed to cling myself onto the ground. My eyes were rolling back in my head and I just kept vomiting and vomiting, the cramps didn't stop either, it felt like there was a weed wacker inside my guts tearing my insides apart. I got really hot and ripped my shirt off, I was drenched in sweat and puked some more. Desperately trying to catch my breath I laid there unable to move. I had the weird, light fluttering hollowness in my chest. Eventually I managed to get to the bathroom, I thought the tile floor would help, it did in the past. I threw myself to the ground and threw up more until nothing else was left. I was drenched in sweat again, the floor was actually wet from me sweating. I laid there for sure while, the pain in my guts was still going strong.

I somehow got myself downstairs and fell down crying calling for my mom. She couldn't do anything for me except give me a heating pad. I feel asleep on the couch eventually, I was too weak to move anymore. I still am very weak.

I just don't know what to do. I can't keep doing this. I've been to the doctor in 2013 and she tried to tell me I was pregnant, I'm not sexually active. Then a went to a different one in 2014 and she basically said I was making it up. I don't believe in these doctors anyway, they don't have my health in mind, they just want to prescribe pills and make me sicker.

I'm lost, could this all be because I'm underweight? How do I gain weight without my appetite stimulate..