Warm Hello & Blessings to All


I'm 35.5..lol...and I am a very private and strong woman...however wisdom has(and still is) taught me that it is ok to share ur testimony (selectively)....so here it is...I always wanted to have a baby, however when only when I was a wife..so we got married in 2015...got pregnant about 1or 2 mths later...m/c ...then started TTC ,got a + HPT...m/c in Feb 2017...had consult and discovered I have fibroids...had hysteroscopy in April 2017, started TTC in June and praying for the +HPT....what all of this has taught me was to have more faith and God will open the door...yes we have those days ladies but when it is time it will happen...I am grateful for so much and I have to appreciate that so much more until we have our precious child who is going to be the greatest gift from God...Hello ladies and God bless us on this beautiful and amazing journey😘💝🙌