Any advice?

I need to get this thing that bothers me off my chest... By doing so I'd like to give a list. - I get engaged, she does 6 days after. I dye my hair pink, she dyes hers purple. I get a new pet, she gets a new pet. She knows I've always worked with animals, she drops her long term goal of being a teacher to wanting to work with animals. I wanted a camper to live in, she got one (we ended up getting it bc we can afford it) I get married, she gets his and hers rings from my mother inlaw so she can call herself married. I might be pregnant, she gets herself pregnancy tests as if we share a body. I talk about <a href="">eve</a> once, she's gets <a href="">eve</a>. The list goes on and on the. And I understand this sounds like immature high school bs. I'm not going to get angry at her. I simply just want to adjust my attitude and feelings towards this. I don't want to be upset by this never ending cycle anymore. My goal is to become humble and almost oblivious to what is happening. I understand why she's doing this, I was like this to my older sisters, I wanted to be them. From the very beginning when everyone started to notice what she was doing I did not see it as a compliment or flattering at all... But now I just want to ignore it... pretend it's not happening. Anyone know how to handle this? Any tips on how to humble out and focus on myself and not who is trying to be my clone. I don't want to be salty about it anymore.