Birth story πŸ˜„πŸ’œ


So it started at 3am on June 27th... I couldn't sleep threw my contractions anymore and decided to take a bath to try to make the go away, but that didn't work so I tried everything to make the go away (as I had false labor once before) before I finally told my mom at about 7am she said that I was probably just having false labor again and that I should lay down. I did and went threw the whole day having contractions anywhere from 4-10 min apart and 1-2min long. I called the on call doctor and they said don't come in until the are a consistent 3min apart and last 1 min. Well they never got there but by about 9pm the contractions had progressed and were very painful, so I talked to my mom and boyfriend about going to the hospital and they both said we should probably wait until they are constantly 3 min apart but I was in lots of pain and almost crying during each contraction so we decided to go and just get checked, we didn't bring any hospital bags cause I thought we would just get sent home but I got checked and was at a 5 so they admitted me and that was the start! Once I got into the room I asked for an epidural and so they called for the doctor that does that and checked me again I was at a 6-7 got the epidural then I stopped progressing so fast and went to sleep from about 12 to about 5 then they came to check me again and I was at a 9 and it was about 7am so they broke my water, about 30 min later I felt the need to push so called a nurse and she said I was at a 10 and they were going to call my doctor. I pushed for an hour aund a half before she was born πŸ˜„ sorry this was so long and dragged out but I wanted to tell it lol so here's some pictures of our daughter Baylee Noelle she was born at 8:53am on June 28,2017 and 7lbs 14.8oz and 20in long 13in head I had a 1st degree tear and would do it all again cause it was easy as pie πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ also I'm 15 and my boyfriend is 18. We are very happy with our bundle of joy!!