My first u/s is Friday 🎉🎉 Its been a looong wait! I'll be 10w 1d
First appointment on Wednesday!

Rebecca • EDD 3-23-18 baby #3!
I've been waiting almost a month!! These next few days will drag. When is everyone else's first appointment?

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Mine is today! In 30 minutes. I'm so nervous. I'm 7 weeks and 2 days
Eilyn • Aug 9, 2017
I haven't had an irregular period since before my first born but coincidentally enough June was irregular. I was suppose to get my period June 2 and I didn't get it till the 17
Rebecca • Aug 9, 2017
So your LMP was June 17 but you didn't O until a day or two after July 8th? That might line up then with being around 6 weeks right now. Do you have irregular periods still?
Eilyn • Aug 8, 2017
Not great. They told me baby was measuring 6 weeks so the baby was too small to detect a heart beat. So I have another appointment on Monday. The wait for Monday is slowly killing me! I'm so nervous. All these dates confuse the heck out of me. For my first it was a surprise and I had irregular periods so even if I tracked it it wouldn't have made sense. But with this one I tracked everything. I know my lmp was June 17. Which would make me 7 weeks 3 days but obviously I didn't get pregnant then. But then I tested positive for ovulation on July 8. But that was less than 6 weeks ago. So I'm not sure what's going on lol. I'm just really scared and I hope everything turns out okay.
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Mine is the Aug 16 and I have been waiting for a month as well. I just want to know is everything okay
Laralynn • Aug 7, 2017
I have to wait until 8 weeks too but I'll be almost 10 by the time I go in! Not patient...
Rebecca • Aug 7, 2017
Oh wow! Yeah, I know. My office makes you wait til you're at least 7 weeks which is marginally better! I'll be 7+5
Cassandra • Aug 7, 2017
I will be 10 weeks by the time I go and it's crazy we have to wait until we are 8 weeks
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Mine is also on Wednesday. Irs my first appointment and i get an ultrasound:) i cant wait anymore!!!!
Rebecca • Aug 9, 2017
I'm only 7+4!
Mi • Aug 7, 2017
How far along are you? I am 10 weeks then already.
Rebecca • Aug 7, 2017
Exciting!! Especially since you get a scan! I'm hoping for a scan but I don't think I'll get one 😞
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Tomorrow!!! I'll be 7 weeks.
Rebecca • Aug 9, 2017
That's awesome news!! 😊
Casey • Aug 8, 2017
It went great! Praise God! Baby measured 6 weeks 4 days, which makes since with my ovulation testing, but he's keeping my due date the same based on my period because it was just 3 days different. Baby's heartbeat was 131. My sweet rainbow baby! ❤️
Rebecca • Aug 8, 2017
How did it go?
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Mine is tomorrow! Very excited! I'll be 7w6d, and it's the "8 week check". Just got it a day early due to schedules. :)
Rebecca • Aug 9, 2017
I haven't but that's good news about the heart beat!!
Melissa • Aug 8, 2017
Good heartbeat. Measuring 9 days small, so adjusted due date to 3/30. Said yolk sack is large, but since baby is fine, don't worry. Looking for testimonies from women who have had that happen!
Rebecca • Aug 8, 2017
How did it go?!

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