First cycle off pill (ttc), WTF is happening?

Cathy 🇨🇦

Hi ladies,

So... this is the end of my first month off BC pill and I'm so damn confused!! I thought after 17 years of menstruating I'd know a thing or two about my body, but... NOPE.

I was pretty regular before starting BC and was of course a perfect bleeder when on it lol. Like clockwork: 3 days after last pill, AF would arrive.

This month has been a crazy roller coaster. App predicted ovulation for July 21, that seemed to be in line with my symptoms but now I'm not so sure. AF was then due Aug 4th but still no sign 3 days later (not even my usual PMS symptoms).

I was having all kinds of weird symptoms after ovulation. I bled (ever so slightly more than spotting) for 4 days. I had dull cramping for 2 weeks (I described it as a gentle pull inside). Took a home test Aug 2 (and a couple times before then) all BFN.

Now still no AF, boobs hurt like nobody's business, and I'm experiencing heartburn for the first time in my life 😕🤷🏻‍♀️

So tell me: what was your first cycle like? When does AF go from being elusive to late when adjusting to being off the pill? What's your PMS like in your 30s (I'm 31, been on the pill for a solid decade)?

Pregnancy seems so far fetched given it's my first month ttc, and the 99% accuracy of those early detection tests that were negative so...

WTF? Lol.

Good times being a lady

Thanks 😊