Frustration with ttc


I have been ttc since we got married in June 2016. I have changed my diet completely, no caffeine, eating healthy, only have having the occasional sweet, and drinking tons of water. I started exercising got really sick when we moved to Florida and had to have surgery. I feel like my days revolve around ovulation tests and making sure everything is perfect so that I can get pregnant. Being new to Florida I have no one to talk to and no family. I am just hoping there is a baby at the end of this long tunnel I am going through. Does anyone else just feel completely exhausted and lonely going through this process? My husband is great and supportive but I don't think he gets the same emotion I do every time the pregnancy test shows up negative. I just feel like I'm finally ready and it won't happen but everyone around me who wasn't planning a pregnancy is pregnant without even trying!!!!!!!