Glow cycle chart help?


I had an early miscarriage in January, and another in June, so I haven't really had a period at all this year minus the bleeding after a loss. I took an ovulation test yesterday and it was low. I took another today and it was high. So today marks my first fertile day, yet based off my LAST fertile days Glow says my period should start today. I have a very irregular cycle when not on birth control, so keeping track of my period is hard enough. I clicked the "my period did not start today" option and it now predicts my period will start on the 10th. Well, I entered in my ovulation test results thinking Glow would update and give me my new prediction, but it hasn't? It should be my first green day today...will it update if I take another test tomorrow and add the results? Does anyone else have issues using Glow due to having an irregular cycle? Did it eventually get better at predicting your next cycle

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