What is happening?!

Sara • Hey y’all! I’m Sara and I’m 31. I am married to my best friend & we’ve been blessed with our rainbow baby Bella Rose on 2/5/2020🌹❤️🌈 and our sweet son, Anthony Nicholas on 8/16/2021. Currently pregnant with baby #3!

Okay, so my last period was July 8-12. I recently (April) had an ectopic pregnancy so my July period was my first cycle since then. My cycle is normally 31 days. Glow projected I'd get my period 8/8 (today). Well....haven't had any symptoms of AF and I haven't gotten it today. I took a preg test and it came back negative. I selected "my period is late" on my Glow calendar and it switched up my projected period and estimated ovulation for July and August. What the heck is happening?!