I never had this before is it a symptom?

Sh`Mira • Mother of two 🤞🏽 Mother of two angel babies. 👼🏾👼🏾

Is it a symptom or a one time thing?

This morning I was up because I never sleep at night. Anyways for some odd reason when I got up I noticed a weird bloody metallic taste in my mouth. So I rushed to the bathroom to see if I could see any blood and I didn't see anything. It was strong and very noticeable. I don't know how long it would had lasted because I wanted some chocolate milk and now that has me feeling extremely bloated. So idk if it was a one time thing or a symptom. I'm waiting to see if it comes back but all I taste is chocolate milk in my mouth still. Oh and I'm about 11-12 Dpo. AF due Saturday.