Is this an anovulatory cycle?

Whitney • 29yo, TTC #1, Cycle 2

June 31-August 2nd I had "high" readings on my Clearblue Digital OPK, never reaching peak as far as I know because I unfortunately ran out of test sticks. (Side note- do I have to buy a new digital OPK each month? I don't see JUST refills for this type of OPK). It's CD 19 now, which is the day I ovulated last month.

From August 3rd until today I've been using mostly Clinical Guard strips. I've yet to see a positive. I did take Ibuprofen about 4&5 days ago because I got a tattoo last Friday. Can getting the tattoo throw my cycle off this much? It was a 5-hour session and was my 'distraction task' from a failed cycle 1. I've got a list of things that I can't do when pregnant that I'll check off with each cycle we don't get a BFP.

I know AF isn't here yet so I'm going to keep testing (AM & PM), I'm just very confused.

I did make an appointment with a local fertility clinic my friend works at. They do a $90 Couple's Fertility Awareness Checkup- but I have to wait till day 1 AF to go in. So I'm hoping either way I have some answers here soon.