Help with baby food 😳

My son is almost 7 months and still hasn't taken to baby food yet. The only foods he'll eat are bananas and sometimes green beans and he'll take those if he's in the mood smh. He's a VERY healthy boy. My pediatrician is saying I don't have to rush baby foods but WIC decreased the amount formula once he turned 6 months and he's almost ran out. (In 2 weeks!) He's already 20 pounds 😳 and is still satisfied with 6 ounce bottles. I've tried cereal mixed with breastmilk, cereal mixed with juice, (loved it once, hated it the 2nd time) Baby food mixed with the cereal and he takes a few spoons and refuses. HELP! I'm so afraid to give him our table food even though he has 2 teeth. My dad gave him peanut butter without asking and he broke out in hives on his neck. (Assuming he's allergic)