Things while ttc...?


So.. in an effort to not do all the things you shouldn't while ttc (stress, over analyze, symptom spot etc). I've tried to stick to my normal routine, just with additional tracking and the occasional "hey hon, it's goo time!". And I feel, in general, I'm doing pretty well. However I have noticed this weird thing. I am suddenly having a DEVIL of a time trying to maintain/lose weight. I stick to a relatively healthy diet, and work out frequently enough that I should be either maintaining or losing, but it seems I'm gaining. Not huge amounts, but enough that it is just not correlating with the work and effort I put in. And it's been since shortly after we started ttc. Admittedly, it's been almost a year, some ups have been due to pity parties with mcDs and icecream. But, even when I'm back on track... still much more of a struggle..

I've started to wonder... has anyone else noticed this? Could it be related to supplements and such? (In trying to make my body has hospitable as possible, I'm taking pre-Natals and vit d - is trying to conceive triggering my body to hold onto weight to help any potential babies to be?)
