Doctor blew me off


Sorry this is just a long rant 😂

I'll just start off with saying that I'm a night shift cardiovascular registered nurse. I had a long shift and my appointment was directly after so I had my scrubs on along with my badges shoved in my pocket. I'm a heart nurse, not a baby nurse... so this is a different territory for me. The doctor (not my main doctor... the secondary) rushed in, took one look at me, and whipped out the measuring tape. I got a measuring that was "right on track" and she turned to grab my checkout paper and went to hand it to me. I got flustered and told her I had a few questions and she was visibly annoyed. I've had extreme trouble walking long distances as my baby feels like she is directly between my legs. I can just feel the sheer size of her! I went to a 3D/4D ultrasound for fun (who happens to be owned by the ultrasound tech that works at my doctors office and she's amazing). So we went to see my baby well aware that it is by no means medical and I asked how big she was because I could just feel her weight even though my belly is really small. I was told the baby is in the 77th percentile! Over 5lbs at 31 weeks. This means that she will be 9-9.5lbs at birth. We both know the 3D/4D is just for fun so she told me to mention to my doctor that she recommends that I have a medical ultrasound as she can't give any medical advice based off of this trip. You see, my pelvis can't handle large babies as my regular sized 9 year old 7lb 8oz son got stuck by his shoulders and by the grace of God he was fine but I had a complete vaginal/anal tear. When I told my doctor this she told me "I'm not giving you an ultrasound based off of entertainment. You should know that." Yes. I know I can't talk about problems based off of information for fun, that is why I'm asking you for a medical one! She said no your fundal height is fine we will see you in two weeks.

I got pretty annoyed myself, felt judged for being a nurse and asking a question I should "know better about" and also the main concern that what IF she really is a big baby? I'm going to see the main doctor next trip and I love him so hopefully he will listen seeing as he is the doctor who recommended a csection if estimated large at or above 8lbs.

Sorry for venting but it really got me stirred up. If you ladies went for fun at an ultrasound and they told you to talk to the doctor about a medical one, but were blown off... how would you act?