Petty? Probably. Am I insane?! 🙄Long rant

Before I start, a little backstory so I don't get completely attacked; I'm 36 weeks pregnant, and I've been legit BEGGING for my boyfriend to go swimming, literally anywhere, I don't even care. I just wanted to swim or just be in water for the FIRST time this summer especially now to ease this pain just a little bit and relax; shit I was even willing to simply get a hotel room to take a bath because I can't in our tub. Any plans WE make together, he cancels or procrastinates until he forgets about it and I'm a "Bitch" for "nagging" him about it. (Reminding him)

I have literally NO friends since high school because of some drama that went down and everyone believed some stupid rumor (that wasn't true whatsoever) so I just cut ties because everyone believed the one lying. So I cant even go do the same, and it's impossible to make new friends in my situation.

He lives with me, at my parents house and his friends always come over and drink/have bonfires and hang out and I'm fine with it, never had a problem. He used to go over to their houses to do "the same" until I found out he was heavily drinking and smoking and their "hang out" sessions were actually house parties he didn't wanna tell me about because there were hoeish females and he knew I'd get mad about the lies. So it's a respect thing that we agreed on (which he offered) for trust to be built back.

{I'm going to just use example names for this next part}

So today he comes home and goes "I'm going over to (John)s sisters house to swim with him and (Aaron)" so of course I'm like "oh you're going swimming again?(he's already gone a few times at johns house when he lived at his previous house a couple weeks ago) must be nice, you know, seeing how that's literally all I've asked for us to do together for how many months now?" And he got mad at ME of course, saying "what ever, I'm just trying to hang out with my friends blah blah blah" so im like "yeah, okay, your friends? At his sisters house (where the parties usually took place), who else is gonna be there? All of his sisters friends with a bunch of booze?" (which flirt and DO NOT GIVE A FUCK) so he blows up on me and just ends the conversation with "whatever just come with me" (which was obviously sarcastic, not an actual invite; but why would I want to anyway seeing how uncomfortable that would be if it is apparently just him, John, and Aaron?) so of course I reply with "yup whatever, go do what your friends want because you can't procrastinate those plans away right?" and I just stopped there because these hormones got me going crazy emotionally and I didn't wanna cry.

Am I wrong for being petty? I don't see how I'm in the wrong here, or why I'm the one who's a bitch when I'm the one constantly stuck in the house, never able to do anything because he's too lazy to do anything with me or actually go with plans WE make; and he doesnt want me to go alone anywhere because of how pregnant I am and he's "protective", yet if his friends make plans, he's all for it, no hesitation, he does what he wants and doesnt care about how I feel about it.

I'm so sick of being very last on the priority list, especially seeing how I just want this pain to stop and to simply go swimming FOR ONCE.

Idk what to even do anymore, apparently everything I do is wrong or makes me a bitch.

UPDATE because I wanna stay anonymous; I have ZERO family that's in my state aside from my parents and brothers, and I don't have my license yet so I can't go myself.. but even if I did, I wouldn't be able to because driving gives me crazy anxiety and I can't handle that right now!!