Suffer or End it?

Going to keep this short and to the point. Been seeing my boyfriend for over 3 years. We have a baby together and I have two kids from a previous relationship. Boyfriend is an alcoholic who neglects me and since becoming pregnant wouldn't and still won't touch me, four months post partum. I broke up with him before I found out I was pregnant due to multiple infidelities and got sucked back in due to hopes of having a family. Now, he takes advantage of my home (my place and majority of my belongings, petty I know) and refuses to help with groceries and I'm constantly footing the bill for baby stuff and pulling my weight as a mother of three and cleaning up and cooking for him. I want to end it. I've tried many times to break up with him but he wont leave or makes me feel bad about my decision or coerces me to think othewise. How would you ladies dump a guy like this?