Feeling Ashamed about TTC 😔 and nervous about this upcoming attempt


So me and my husband were blessed with a little girl almost 3 years ago. It was an unplanned pregnancy and happened only 3 months after we were married.

For the past year and a half we have been TTC with no luck. We got pregnant once but ended in a very early miscarriage. Finally went to a fertility doctor who diagnosed me with very mild PCOS. I have been on Metformin for 4 months now and last month we did timed intercourse with clomid 50mg, ultrasound, and trigger shot. We had one good follicle but negative test and aunt flow came right on time.

We are doing the same thing this month but with 100mg clomid. I am beginning to get nervous this won't work either. My ultrasound for follicles is tomorrow. So fingers crossed there are a few to work with!

We have told ourselves we would do 3 rounds of timed intercourse before we paid to have the HSG test done and then might start <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>.

No one knows of our infertility journey as I'm somewhat ashamed because getting pregnant the first time was so easy. I don't understand why now it is so hard. Guess I just needed to vent to people who may understand.

Good luck to everyone trying to conceive!