Anxious already!!!!!

Hi girls got my BFP yesterday 😊😊 this topic is not so much a question more of a rant at myself lol!! 
So due December 9th!!  I'v a six year old daughter so this is my 2nd pregnancy and my partners first!! I was quite young n unprepared on my first this pregnancy is planned and I'm in a much better place with everything BUT in the past 24hrs I think I'v researched all the things to go wrong in pregnancy lol I'm my own worst enemy is it just me girls? I'm terrified something will go wrong.....what is it the older we get the more scared we get?? 
I definatly wasn't like this on my daughter I was so relaxed n carefree whereas if anything it should of been the other way round!!! 
Sorry for the rant but iv been up for 3hours now "googling" pregnancy and I'm annoyed at myself now so it be great to know I'm not the only woman freaking out at the moment 😂😂