Concerned with gaining a ton this pregnancy..

I am 23 and 8 weeks pregnant. Before the pregnancy I was really planning on losing some before I gained more weight if I got pregnant because I was really embarrassed about it anyway. I started out at 203 this pregnancy. Within those 8 weeks I went up to 215 already! The heaviest I have ever been.. I realized I really should slow it down and pay attention to what I am eating because if I gain a ton it won't be good for me or baby. When I had my first child I started out at 125. I ended it at a whoping 197!! Which is a ton of gain. I am surprised I didn't become diabetic. I never lost that weight now I am thinking "If I start out at 203 how much will I be after??" My husband has never known how much I weigh because I am embarrassed.. I really want to be cautious of junk foods. Has anyone else watched what they ate to maintain their weight or even lose a couple during pregnany? When I get closer to my second and third trimester I will be more lenient..