Move Out?

I do not like living with my mom. I want to live with my dad. It's split up about 60(M)/40(D) and I hate it. I have been suicidal before and I finally worked up the confidence to tell her so I said "I think I have low self esteem" and before I could go any further, she interrupted me and said that I was being a selfish asshole. She has also called me a slut and a terrible daughter. I'm also basically the mother to her daughter (my half sister). I get her ready in the morning and get voluntold to babysit constantly. Even my mom has said I'm more of the mom and she's like an "optional grandma" whatever the hell that means. I love my sister, but I want to be her sister. Not her mom. Also, I want to ask a guy to homecoming. She says that since I'm a girl, I have to wait for him to ask me, and if he doesn't, I can go alone. I had already worked up the courage to ask him, and was even prepared for if he said no. Now she's shot me down on that too. I have told my dad that I don't want to live with my mom and he just says to wait a little longer. I've waited 3 years. What do I do?

(also, I know this is in the wrong group, but I didn't get any answers from the family group)