Krissy • Mama to 2 beautiful boys, 1 angel baby and currently pregnant with #3!

So a little backstory:

My husband and I are considered "unexplained infertility". We did a medicated (Clomid) <a href="">IUI</a> in March 2017, found out we were pregnant mid April. Unfortunately that pregnancy ended in miscarriage at around 8 weeks. I had my first period after miscarriage in July (assisted - with Provera) and we were planning to do another <a href="">IUI</a> this cycle. I have been patiently waiting for my period which should have started this week.

Today is cycle day 37 and I went for a blood test at the fertility clinic this morning to see if my period was coming or it. Turns out, it's NOT because IM PREGNANT! 100% naturally! I honestly cannot believe it. I'm scared to be excited at this point due to what happened with our previous pregnancy. I'm 5 weeks and 1 day with a count of 355!


Please let this one be a sticky bean!