She's here!


After going through an emotional pregnancy from finding out my husband cheated on me and becoming a single mom, the passing of my best friend and grandfather, and not having any help whatsoever from her dad, I finally had her! She was born July 27th at 6:33pm after almost 10 hours of labor. I went in that morning to be induced and had my water broken. When my doctor broke my water he noticed the baby had had a bowel

movement making me a little concerned because they started planning for more nurses when she was born. It took all day to make it past 2 centimeters but once I did it wasn't long before it was time to push! Thank god my doctor was literally across the street or he wouldn't have made it. About 5 pushes, some stretching from the doctor and she was born! My doctor was amazing and because of him I had minor lacerations instead of tearing. He didn't make her cry right away so she wouldn't swallow any poop and I cried like a baby. Mja Lynn Dillon, I love you so much!