Please don't judge me

Jan • Mommy of a 2 year old
I just need some advice. For the past few days, my 2 year old (almost 3)son has absolutely refused to eat anything.  I let it slide for a few days thinking it's just a stage.  But it's been like 4 days and I really wanted him to eat but he just kept yelling "no!!" and he hit me. He's usually a nice little boy. His father and I tried everything. We even told him we would get him ice cream if he eats. We tried to be very nice about it and telling him he needs to eat or he will get sick. I don't want to be judged, but his refusal made me kind of mad and I ended up yelling at my son and I felt sooo bad after. I even gave him a time out for yelling at me over and over again and hitting me. I know he's just a two year old. He just started crying so much and I felt sooo bad!! I feel like a bad mother! I even told his dad I'm such a bad mother that maybe I somehow made my son believe he's the boss. His father said I am a good mother and I do the best I can but I feel sooo bad!! I told my son sorry and told him I love him and hugged him. Please don't judge me...