TMI Throat Picture warning!! Oral herpes?! Or standard tonsillitis and I'm overreacting?

It hurts really bad to swallow and I have a white spot on one if my tonsils which I circled. I also have these super weird like blood spots. All this is accompanied by mucus, occasional inner ear ache, swollen lympnodes just on the side that the white spot is on, and extreme fatigue with slight nausea. What could this be? I tested negative for strep but they're doing a throat culture and supposed to call me in a few days. I'm stressing out because I'm worried it could be oral chlamydia or the clap. I don't know if the last guy I gave head to had it or not. He was very clean and showed not symptoms, but I know a lot of STDs don't. Any advice or previous experience with oral STDs would be great. Thanks