Hot sauce and cold showers

I saw someone post an old doctor Phil episode where there was a mother that punished her 5-6 year of with hot sauce. He had to hold it in his mouth while she yelled/raised her voice at him and then placed him in a cold shower for misbehaving at school. Do you think that is an acceptable punishment for misbehaving? Do you have similar punishments for your children? 

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Posted at
I had to stop a few minutes in. It was too painful to watch.Definitely abusive.


Posted at
I mean, this wouldn't hurt a child physically, but it can't be healthy for a child emotionally & psychologically. This is definitely not a form of discipline I would use.


Posted at
People that resort to violent or traumatic punishment are just lazy parents. 


Miranda • Apr 7, 2015


Posted at
That mother could have spent the 30 minutes it took her to repeatedly punish her small child and read a book on how to effectively teach your child right from wrong and consequence without traumatizing your kid. Her tone, her'd think the kid beat the snot out of another kid on the playground and then set him on fire...he was reprimanded for talking in class. Jeeze. 


Posted at
The mother that appeared on the show actually wrote a book on it. She then lost her kids. CPS took them into care.


🍄🦄Fawn🍀ஃபான் • Apr 6, 2015
This is good to know.


Posted at
I seen that on Facebook and I totally disagree with the way she handled that. My. Point of view its abuse


caramel • Apr 6, 2015
wow that's crazy


JayCee✨ • Apr 6, 2015
Offend you your kids must be jerks" so I asked her if she does similar things to her children and she said no but she is gonna try the cold shower and that her kids love hot sauce


JayCee✨ • Apr 6, 2015
I said the something. And the woman that posted it said "if it doesn't a


Posted at
Am I missing something here? How is hot sauce and a cold shower abuse? My dad made me take cold showers every morning to wake up for school.Far from abuse..And hot sauce is just a food. I'd rather hold hot sauce in my mouth then get my ass beat with a belt.


Malia • Apr 13, 2015
I got hot sauces when I talked back or swore. And I remember my little brother got the garden hose to wash him off after he pooped his pants. ( he was almost 4 and would do it to when he was mad at my parents) he never did it again after that!


ᏰᏒᎥ ᎷᏗᏒᎶᎧ • Apr 9, 2015
and cold showers were used as a punishment for me. I would never wake up to my alarm so as punishment I had to take cold showers in the morning for the rest of the school year. again..i would. take that over my dad beating my ass with the belt.


ᏰᏒᎥ ᎷᏗᏒᎶᎧ • Apr 9, 2015
ok I watched the video..and honestly I'd pick that kind lf punishment over being beat with a belt. yes the little boys cries were painful to hear but anyone Is going to yell out loud when cold water is hitting their back. she didn't even strike the kid. besides her constantly yelling the whole time I just see it as their for of discipline.


Posted at
I watched a portion of that video, and it was heartwrenching to listen to that little boy in that cold shower, he looked like he was 5! I have a 2 an half year old amd i would NEVER use a cold shower as a form of punishment. That women needs to be locked up forever.


Posted at
For using bad words I had to drink a little bit of hot sauce. I learned. If I yelled at my mother "I hate you" "I wish you weren't here" ect (little kids do that and even though I have no recollection of it my parents do) I would be out in a cold shower. The screaming part seems excessive, but the other stuff sounds like their form of discipline. 


Cookie🏋💪 • Apr 7, 2015
She didn't make him drink hot sauce. She makes him hold it while she yells at him.. and she's just so horrible


Co • Apr 7, 2015
Wooooah woah woah. Yeah no. Looked it up and the worded description here doesn't go over how crazy this lady was. Her behavior is not okay. What's given in this topic makes it sound like she doesn't do too much else


Posted at
This is completely unacceptable. It's abuse