Why is she like this? (Rant)

My sister and I are 2 years apart me being the oldest and she is so rude and mean to me and I don't understand why. She always feels the need to make me feel bad like yesterday we were at my grandmothers house and my grandma asked my SO how work was going and I have just quit my 18hour a week job to be a stay at home mom and not just my kids but take care of her son while she works and she goes oh ask Laura how her job is like 5 times until someone asked and she thought it was funny but what she doesn't understand is I do still have a job its taking care of my kids as well as hers! She always does that like she has to make me feel less then and all I do is try and help her and be there for her. She wouldn't last one day staying home with 3 kids. She has her issues and I never say anything about it and certainly not in front of anyone. Idk if she feels insecure and needs to belittle me to bring her up but it hurts me. I feel like I should stop being around her but I can't because of my nephew. Idk what to do anymore.