Any SAHM just decided not to go back to work after maternity leave?!

We're still TTC (hopefully this next test is BFP) but we are huge planners!! Everything in our lives has to be on schedule. Down to birth of baby. Lol

The reason we have to plan everything is because my husband is finishing up medical school and the last 2 years of medical school is really him all work me keeping the sanity.

With him in med school right now my job is the only one providing our family insurance. This will be our first (whenever it happens) & we have no family nowhere near us to help out with childcare if needed. We don't "need" my job for money even tho it's great pay because I make equally the same amount with my home based business. The only reason I'm here is for the insurance until he gets accepted into a residency program which will hopefully be 4/5 months after birth of back (if all goes to our planning lol)

Let's be honest, who really wants to pay $1000 for a daycare to witness all of the milestones while I'm sitting at a 9-5 computer for a company all day missing out on the best stages 😣

My question is... has anyone decided not To go back to work after maternity leave and had a lapse of insurance?