My pregnancy was without the morni g sickness, but I had the worry and uncertainty of if my little b...

My pregnancy was without the morni g sickness, but I had the worry and uncertainty of if my little boy was even going to make it. The concern, was with his chin, it looked really small in the ultrasounds and there was a lot of extra fluid around him, which meant he wasn't practicing digesting and breathing. So, at the delivery, the team of doctors who reviewed his test results and ultrasounds came up inconclusive as to whether he would even make it and perhaps just how long he would be here. My pregnancy was not a pleasant experience. I couldn't look forward to having joy with my newborn because I had to face the reality that he may not even make it through thefirst hour of life. And because of this I couldn't bare to plan for him to survive, because of the fact that if he didn't, my heart would be broken.

Right now he's on his 28th hour in this world with us, and I love him to pieces! I hope for all of the best for my little guy and the surgeries that are to come for him