This is my last month TTC for a while.

LONG POST: *sorry in advance*

A little back story... since I was 14 I have had very painful, and irregular periods. I was put on birth control to regulate them and dissolve small cysts that I had on my left ovary. The birth control done the trick. On my mothers side there are various issues with fertility that run in our family. PCOS, endometriosis, cervical cancer. All of that. Thankfully, I never got diagnosed with any of that. Fast forward....the birthcontrol I was on, I took everyday faithfully until I was 19. I got in a new serious relationship and found out by the doctor that I did not ovulate correctly. This worried me, but after coming off of birth control, my periods took a while to get back on track. I had to take Provera on two seperate occasions just to have a period with no chances of ovulating any time soon. I was also told since i did not ovulate correctly it would typically be hard for me to vecome pregnant at all. Thanfully that relationship ended where it started. And im thankful i did not get pregnant by that person. God had his hand on me. Fast forward.... I am now 22. Married to the absolute love of my life whom I started daring in October 2016, and and i soon became pregnant. We did not plan it. This was a complete suprise/blessing to me because like I had said previously I was told it wouls be super hard for me to get pregnant. We actually found out the day (Feb 17 2017) that we got married that I was pregnant. I miscarried in March 2017 at 11 weeks pregnant according to the last period Id had. Ive had only two cycles since that miscarriage. No ovulation at all. I got my blood drawn for progesterone levels to see if I had ovulated, and I hadnt. So the doctor now has me on Prometrium, and Clomid on thr fifth day of my period. The only thing that worries me is this will sadly be our last month TTC for a year or so as my wonderful husband will soon deploy. Hes supposed to leave sometime the first part of September. I dont even know if we will have time to actually even try....because Ive been prescribed the Prometrium for 14 days. And i started it on the 14th of this month. Whenever my period decides to start ill take the clomid on the 5th day of bleeding for five days straight and the doctor said to try after im done with the clomid. If Im calculating correctly then we might have a small chance if that. But im just not sure...It just breaks my heart. Can anyone give me any advice about if im calculating correctly or not?? I just need a little bit of hope since this is our last month... 😭😭😭. Anything?? Any words of wisdom? Thanks in advance! Please no rude comments!! This is a serious question.. Im sorry for this long post. Thanks for reading. And thank you to all the ladies who have been supportive. I wish you all the best!!!! And BABY DUST TO ALL💕