Hey guys! So I was diagnosed with type two diabetes about a year ago, I have been with my now husband for 5 years and throughout that time we have had unprotected sex. My husband has 4 children with his ex, so I know for a fact he is fertile. I always wondered why I never conceived throughout that time, but I was recently diagnosed with PCOS which is very common with women with type 2 diabetes. My doctor prescribed me on Clomid 50mg and this is my first month on it. My nipples have been really painful for the past week and a half and my cycle is usually 23 days. Currently I am on day 31 still no cycle, frequent urination, still nipple soreness and I've taken 2 pregnancy test but they've come back negative... I know that Clomid mimicks pregnancy symptoms so I think maybe this time around it's hitting me harder than any other times I've gotten my hopes up in the past... I've been really moody, and depressed and I've been crying non stop for the past two days thinking about how I may never even conceive... honestly I was just wondering if anybody can send baby dust my way and some encouraging words so I can get my hopes up... I talk about it with my husband but I don't think he understands the pain i feel when he already has 4 beautiful kids...